Antwort auf: SAMgroup

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Re: SAMgroup #
geschrieben von: Bedo user status icon global
Datum: 31. Oktober 2008 20:45


auf youtube gibt es doch tätsächlich zwei kleine Videos vom neuen SAM :

Der Kommentar ist auf alle Fälle sehr optimistisch:

A very short video of my test drive in a pre production fully electric 3-wheel SAM from in the manufacturing facility. If you thought it was not going to come to you: i have good news, the folks of the plant told me that very soon the production will start and it will sell at a very good price (which I will not disclose here). What a fantastic car – 2 seater and place for your dog too. Electric opening wing door – you feel like James and it is going very fast too. See also video #2…what a big smile

Hoffe es gibt bald News von Herr Aebi.

Gruss aus dem Berner Oberland