Antwort auf: English speaking guy would like to know about SAM users‘ experiences

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Re: English speaking guy would like to know about SAM users‘ experiences #
geschrieben von: Bernd Rische
Datum: 08. Dezember 2005 11:03

Hi Doug,

i hope my bad english is good enough, that you understand me ;-)
I am a german driver from until the 19.04.2004 and have driven now over 21.000km with the Sam.
The batteries are altough the problem in all electric-cars.
I am drive with cheaply batteries from SSB ([]).
With the first set of batteries from SSB i had ~6.500 km driven. The actualy set of SSB batteries is now ~8.500km in the SAM.
The SSB batteries is not so good as the Hawker Genesis. The range with the Hawker is ~40-50km in the summer. The SSB has a range from ~30-40km in the summer.
Both batteries are lead batteries, only one SAM (from JPKessler here in the forum) are build actualy with a new battery technologie with a range ~140km.
But he (and we ;-)) hope that he becomes the SAM with the new battery now.

But the best is the funny drive and i meat a lot of happy people they want speak over this car ;-)

So i hope i was a little help for you, but you can ask more when you want and my english is good enough to read this ;-)
